Sliced Veneer
PrJSC "Tsuman"

Address: 45233, Ukraine, Volyn region,
Kivertsi district ,
7 Grushevskogo str.
+380 (67) 332 40 65
History Of Enterprise
History of the enterprise of Public Join-stock Company «Tsuman»
In 1907 by the Polish prince Radzivil was founded a small enterprise which was named Tsuman sawmill. Basic production was boards.

In a post-war period a woodworking factory began the revival and grew the issue of products rapid rates.

In 1959 was worked out a general plan of reconstruction of woodworking factory according which new objects were entered in an action. A furniture workshop was built; the assortment of furniture was broadened.  A new production - the sliced veneer - was organized on the enterprise in 1960. The apartment of the veneered workshop, steam pits built in 1978, was set more productive machinery.

In connection with the decline of production 1995-1996 years difficult times came for an enterprise – the issue of all of types of products was halted.   

 9.08.1996 to the year the enterprise of « Tsuman woodworking factory » was renamed in the joint-stock company 
«Tsuman », 21.11.2011 Public joint-stock company "Tsuman".

Since 1997, the revival of enterprise began. Furniture workshops began to work; a market was adjusted of sale products which were made. The reconstruction of the veneering workshop was conducted. With the purpose of greater issue of products and providing of more high-quality making of veneer a line was purchased on slicing of veneer of «ANGELO CREMONA». It enabled to go out to the markets of sale Russia, Moldova, countries of Baltiya, Italy, Spain, and also regions sew on countries. 
Society is gradual fully passed on making of the sliced veneer.

 Vertical machine-tools for sliced veneer of «VALLET GARREAU» and - «DSKM 4000» were bought.

In connection with the increase of processing of raw material a necessity appeared for the purchase of new line for planning of veneer, that was and it is done – the new line of « Сарital » was purchased in 2007.  Now, the enterprise is not only made by the sliced veneer but also gives services of salary production.
History of veneer – back in the future
The production of veneer arose up not wherein the dense forests cover a landscape, but wherein wood was scarce raw material and there was a necessity of its optimum use. Technology of production of veneer is known already more than 4000 years. But only at the beginning of the XIX century succeeded were mechanized production methods of making of veneer.

Complete description
History of veneer – back in the future

Idea to make veneer out of wood of valuable breeds and do furniture and other articles of interior more beautiful practical similarly old, as well as consciousness that an array has failings, he feels like formation of cracks and warping. Afterwards the awareness of necessity came more expedient and prudent use of wood of valuable breeds. But, above all things, it was acknowledged that wood in veneer looks incomparably more beautiful and more various, than in an array.

Technology of production of veneer is known already more than 4000 years. Not by chance idea to nebulize a tree on thin layers arose up in the highly developed culture of Ancient Egypt - country in which except of water of Nile, there was only the desert. A tree in Ancient Egypt was rareness and valued the same as jewels which was utilized for the decoration of furniture. Consequently, the production of veneer arose up not wherein the dense forests cover a landscape, but wherein wood was scarce raw material and there was a necessity of its optimum use. In handicraft industry, long veneer was cut from a barrel a cross-cut saw. However, beautiful wooden, wares, which were found in the grave of Tutankhamen, show clear, that, in spite of primitive methods of treatment, the people of that time knew already, how to show natural internal beauty of wood.
Furniture which attained artistic perfection in periods of renaissance and baroque, and witch was created by great masters in next millenniums, demonstrates, how a simple necessity can become a cultural legacy and to develop in any historical period. In ancient locks we can see the artistically executed wooden coverage (often as encrustations), on furniture which was saved, and in internal decoration. In our days it founds the application in an industrial production. However, mechanizing the methods of production of veneer was succeeded only in a 19th century. In 1806 Mark Isambard Brunel got the Britannic patent on the machine-tool of slicing with a hand occasion, and Henry Faverer, also Englishman, invented peeling machinery for the production of veneer in 1818. The first factory appeared in Germanium in 1843, which was equipped at that time by ordinary saws. In the USA veneer was made in the beginning of 19 century on a machine-tool breadthways about 1.5 m. It was begun to make veneer in France In 1870. And in Italy family Cremona mastered the production of veneer on the first horizontal machine-tool in 1901.

A production of veneer always was a profession. Professional trade and experience play a deciding role here. 

There are many old and strong traditions of the use of natural veneer in the production of furniture in Ukraine. However today swinging majority of cabinet furniture is made from chipboard and MDF. And meantime, many of domestic and oversea experts consent that large supplies of wood, including valuable breeds, geographical position of our country and other factors testify that veneered furniture, next to furniture from an array and glued shield, is an exactly that type of products, that the Ukrainian producers can successfully export to the oversea markets. It is talked also about growth of interest to such furniture and among domestic users.