Sliced Veneer
PrJSC "Tsuman"

Address: 45233, Ukraine, Volyn region,
Kivertsi district ,
7 Grushevskogo str.
+380 (67) 332 40 65
The basic technological processes of making of the sliced veneer on an enterprise are:  
•     Development of wood (lumber) on composition of woodmaterial;
•     Sawing in the frame separation of the round wood on the purveyances of necessary sizes for slicing of veneer; on staylog "ANGELO CREMONA" the lumber sawes on 3 or 4 parts, on the vertical slices "VALLET GARREAU" and "DSKM 4000" sawing on 4 and 2 parts or mount (if small diameter);
•    steaming of purveyances carried  out in streaming cameras in the temperature near 80-90 C, duration of steaming depends on raw material;
•     slicing of the steamed thoroughly wood on the line of slicing.
•     drying of sheets of the prepared veneer is in the special dryers;
•     trimming of sheets of veneer on guillotine scissors is conducted so that longitudinal sides of veneer were parallel and befitted for their connection;  
•     sorting of sheets of veneer in strops;
•     forming of strops of veneer on freight palletes for transporting.

What is it veneer and veneering?

Here that is written in dictionaries through this question: "VENEER" (German Fernier) is facing material as thin layers of wood, which turns out planing of the squared beams of valuable breeds (planed), or peeling of the short steamed thoroughly logs from a birch, alder, pine-tree on staylogs. Peeling veneer is used for making of the stratified wood, plywood. Saw veneer is made from wood ate, Siberian cedar, silver fir. It is most high-quality and used at making of musical instruments.
Modern furniture productions actively use veneering of flags. Veneer has more attractive original appearance, because while not a single artificial texture can pass the game of light on the surface of natural tree and fully repeat the structure of wood. Technology of veneering allows to get flags enough largenesses are at the wide range of thickness. It, in same queue, enables to make the different details of furniture from them.

Veneering is means to glue veneer on stable basis (panel from cheapboard, MDF, plywood et cetera). Sizes and invoice (in a "strip" or "flame") of leaves of veneer depend on the used wood, on the characteristic features of log and system of his cutting.
Every pack contains the layers of veneer with identical size. Depending on direction in relation to the annual rings of wood planing was conducted, distinguish the followings types of veneer: Quarter cut (R), SemiQuarter (SR), Crown (T) and butt tangential - butt end (TB). The sliced veneer is made from leafy and coniferous breeds by woods, and also from growths of all of breeds.
Application of thin layers of the planed veneer gave a new impulse for development of furniture industry. It has become possibly to make easier and more accessible at price furniture, sharply shortening the amount of wood on its making.

The important result of the using of veneer is the production of furniture and articles of interior from breed’s woods which were considered unapt for application in an array from their different sizes. And technology of veneering allowed making the prepared products from materials, not inclined to deformation and cracks, to characteristic for the array of tree.
At a mass production application is an ideal choice for the decision of questions, related to practicality, lightness of transporting, cutback of spending of wood on a production.

Types of veneer

Depending on texture of wood veneer is divided by kinds:
Quarter cut (designated the letter of Q) – annual layers have the appearance of straight parallel lines, located on all of surface of sheet. Core rays have the appearance of bars, located not less than, than on 3/4 areas of sheet.

SemiQuarter (designated in a letter of SQ) – annual layers have the appearance of straight parallel lines, located not less than on 3/4 areas of sheet. Core rays have the appearance of sloping or longitudinal bars, located not less than, than on 1/2 areas of sheet.

Crown (designated the letter of C) – annual layers have the appearance of cone of growth, corners or crooked lines. Heart-shaped rays have the appearance of longitudinal or sloping strokes.

Tangential - butt end (designated in a letter of TB) – annual layers have the appearance of the reserved crooked lines. Core rays have the appearance of the crooked lines or strokes.